Five Haikus by Greg Fewer

April 2021 | Utopia Science Fiction Magazine

blue gas giant
navy storm cloud swirling
a probe imaging


light sunny breezes
etching lines in the red sand
dust devils on Mars


frost-rimed plain
the rover’s lens pans
red sand storming


robots seeking ore
plumb deep Martian shafts
find life instead


Martian dig
scientists trowel red sand
hominid bones found

Originally published in the April 2021 issue of Utopia Science Fiction Magazine.

A long-time fan of genre fiction, films and games, Greg Fewer writes predominantly flash fiction and poetry. His stories and poems have appeared in Cough Syrup, Lovecraftiana, Monsters: A Dark Drabbles Anthology, Page & Spine, Polar Borealis, Scifaikuest, Star*Line, and The Sirens Call, among others.



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